nba betting markets

NBA Sports Betting Market Report for Wednesday, January 3, 2024

ATS STATS – The NBA betting market as of January 3, 2024, shows interesting trends and patterns across the Straight Up (SU), Over/Under (OU), and Against The Spread (ATS) markets. Here's a detailed breakdown based on the Sports Betting Index (SBI):

Straight Up (SU) Performance:

  • 1-Day Performance (Jan 2): Favorites led with a 67% win rate, indicating a bullish trend.
  • 3-Day to 7-Day Range: This bullish trend continues over 3 days (71%) and 7 days (69.3%).
  • 1-Month to Year-to-Date: Long-term also remains bullish, with favorites winning approximately 69.8% of the games.

Over/Under (OU) Performance:

  • 1-Day Performance (Jan 2): A bearish day for OVER bets, with only 33% going over.
  • 3-Day to 7-Day Range: The trend remains bearish over 3 days (34.7%), but shifts to neutral over 7 days (43.4%).
  • 1-Month to Year-to-Date: The longer-term trend balances out to neutral, leaning slightly towards OVER bets.

Against The Spread (ATS) Performance:

  • 1-Day Performance (Jan 2): A balanced day with a 50% success rate for favorites covering the spread.
  • 3-Day to 7-Day Range: A neutral trend is observed over both 3 days (54.3%) and 7 days (51.6%).
  • 1-Month to Year-to-Date: This neutrality continues in the long term, with a slight favor towards favorites covering the spread.

Chart for NBA Sports Bettors:

| Range | SU: Favorites Win% | OU: OVER Win% | ATS: Favorites Cover% |
| 1-Day | 67%               | 33%          | 50%                  |
| 3-Day | 71%               | 34.7%        | 54.3%                |
| 7-Day | 69.3%             | 43.4%        | 51.6%                |
| 1M    | 69.9%             | 53.4%        | 55.6%                |
| 2M    | 69.4%             | 56.2%        | 53.6%                |
| 3M    | 69.8%             | 54.7%        | 53.8%                |
| YTD   | 69.8%             | 54.7%        | 53.8%                |

Legends: SU (Straight Up), OU (Over/Under), ATS (Against The Spread)


The NBA market as of January 3rd, 2024, favors the favorites in the SU market, shows mixed trends in the OU market, and maintains a neutral stance in the ATS market. Bettors should consider these trends alongside specific game contexts for more informed betting decisions.

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